Product: "What Am I?" - a collection of short stories
All About Reading Level 2 Vol 1
by Marie Rippel and Renee LaTulippe
Price: TBD (Book hasn't been released yet)
Company: All About Learning Press, Inc.
To Order: All About Spelling Website (Book is not yet available)
Brief Overview:
The "What Am I?" reader is a collection of 10 fully-illustrated short stories. It is Level 2, Volume 1 and it corresponds with the same sequence and word lists as All About Spelling Level 2, Steps 1-14.
In-Depth Look:
A few months ago, my family received the Beehive Reader 1 from AAS. My then 7 year old daughter claimed it as her own and fell in love with the beautiful book with its adorable stories. You can read my review about it here. So, I was happy to learn that we would be receiving their new reader, What Am I? hot off the press, before it was even available for purchase.
Once again, my now 8 year old daughter was happy to see it. The book is so adorable. This isn't your typical reader. It is hard back and has the look of a classic, even though it is only months old. I don't really know how to explain it; but this book is simply inviting. It draws you in, makes you want to curl up and read together.
If you use the All About Spelling program, this book will correspond with Level 2, Steps 1-14. If you don't use AAS, no worries. This reader can be used independently. My daughter reads it independently, reads it as part of her school lessons, and also listens to it as a bedtime story at times. It is that versatile (and enjoyable).
My 2nd grader can read it independently, well enough to understand and enjoy the stories. There are just enough difficult words to make it more challenging and expand her vocabulary.
The book has 10 short stories. All are fully illustrated, with charming black-and-white drawings. Some of the stories are silly. My girls giggle over them at storytime. Some have a little bit of facts mixed in. Most include an animal or two, of some sort. My daughter's favorite story is "The Bench".
I have reviewed both readers by All About Learning and love them both. I whole-heartedly recommend them both.
I will post some sample pages at the bottom. Aren't the drawings adorable?
If you would like some other opinions, check these out.
Disclaimer: I was asked to review this book as part of the TOS Homeschool Crew. The above is just my opinion. Please remember that opinions may, and do, vary.

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