Product: The Terrestria Chronicles (Books 4 & 5)
Price: $7.99 each
Entire series: $39.99
Company: Dunlop Ministries
Where to Purchase: DunlopMinistries.com
Other Products Available:
Terrestria Chronicles
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Several FREE E-books are also available.
Brief Overview:
Travel back in time to a land of castles, princes, knights, lords and ladies. Along the way, you will be drawn into an allegory that points straight to King Emmanuel. There is NO magic or wizardry in this series.
In-Depth Look:

Ed Dunlop, the author of this series, has a heart to reach children for Christ. He has chosen to do this through crusades, summer camps, training seminars. His family has traveled in full-time evangelism since 1988. Mr. Dunlop also reaches people through the printed word...how-to books for teachers and fiction for middle readers. A brief tour of the website shows just how much Mr. Dunlop loves the Lord and his passion for leading people to salvation.
He has a series called The Terrestria Chronicles. "The Terrestria Chronicles allegory series was written with a three-fold purpose: to honor Jesus Christ as King, to challenge young readers to love and serve Him, and to teach them to guard their hearts for Him. The focus of the series is always on the King."
These stories center around Prince Josiah, a young man recently saved from slavery by King Emmanuel (representing Jesus saving us from the bondage of our sin). He represents the growing Christian, not yet mature in his faith. He faces trials and sometimes he fails. Wiser, more mature Christians (such as Sir Faithful and Sir Dedication) help guide him on his way...encouraging Prince Josiah to surrender his heart fully to King Emmanuel, reminding him to do all things for the glory of God and to keep his focus on things that will matter in eternity. Prince Josiah learns many hard lessons along the way, one of these is the startling realization that our sins don't only affect us. Our mistakes can have a ripple effect and devastating results to those around us. As Prince Josiah learns many hard lessons, grows in his service to his King Emmanuel, and discovers that not everyone in the realm shares his love or loyalty to the King...we can see ourselves in this young prince and be reminded of the same lessons along the way.
These stories portay just how much our King loves us, how much He has done for us, and what He can do through us. King Emmanuel wants to save us from slavery and then do great things for His Kingdom through our wholly surrendered hearts. They also serve as a reminder of how much evil is at work around us and how indifference can be extremely dangerous.
The books include a glossary for medieval terms such as "Saboton - pointed shoes made of steel to protect the feet of a knight in battle". A page of castle facts includes tidbits like "A castle was often a social center for nobility". Best of all, the ABC's of Salvation are explained at the end of each story.
Mr. Dunlop has provided a study guide for all seven books. This can be helpful for devotions or group study.

If your children enjoy "doing something" while they listen to you read, the site also has free coloring pages related to the books.
What I Like:
*This series is set during an interesting time period with castles, knights, lords and ladies.
*This is a Christian series, focused on encouraging young children to be saved and act like it.
*Many lessons can be learned, like the consequences of our sins.
*I believe children (and adults) can see their need for eternal salvation by reading these stories.
What I Didn't Like:
*The character and place names were a bit distracting. Names like Sir Pretentious, Forest of Decision, and the Sea of Conviction can get to be a mouthful when reading aloud.
*The allegory was very obvious, not subtle. I tend to prefer the subtle route.
*Some of the scenes and topics are intense, especially in regards to the evil forces at work. The suggested age range is 10 and up. I strongly suggest that you take this into account and decide for your family.
I would suggest an age range of 13 and up. My daughters are 8 and 11. They had a hard time following what was going on. Because of this, it was difficult for them to enjoy the storyline. I could clearly see where it was going and what it was getting at. But this wasn't the case for my girlies.
Check out more reviews.
Disclaimer: I was asked to review these books as part of the TOS Homeschool Crew. The above is just my opinion. Please remember that opinions may, and do, vary.
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