6th grade and up
Christian Keyboarding is offering a 20% discount for my readers through August 29, 2012 with the code of SUMMER2012!
Leanne Beitel designed this program after searching for Christian Keyboarding material and not finding any. If your child is going to type something while practicing their keyboarding skills, why not let it be Scripture?
In 2010, I reviewed the Elementary Version.
This program is an instant download that teaches typing skills using Biblical-based references for copywork. It includes not only basic keyboarding skills, but also more in-depth skills that will be helpful when writing school/work papers. The material covers things such as APA and MLA reports, letters, and tables.
Here is a sample lesson. Again, if your child is going to spend time transferring lessons from paper to the computer, why not let it be "whatsoever things are pure"?
Note from the author:
Keyboarding for the Christian School
can be used along with a software-based program or online program to
further enhance your student's learning. Most of these programs are
great for graphical use but fall short of actual teaching in word
processing techniques. This book will help your middle school through
high school student learn touch typing through...
*Typing drills, timings, letters, envelopes, APA and MLA reports (the ONLY book that features both), centering, proofreader's marks, and creating tables with a Biblical perspective
*The textbook is brief--only 108 pages--to be used in conjunction with other curriculum or as a refresher Click here to see Table of Contents.
*Screen shots for each lesson after the alphanumeric keys to make sure student is on target
*Resources for grading and assessment
*Access to the author for questions or help
*Typing drills, timings, letters, envelopes, APA and MLA reports (the ONLY book that features both), centering, proofreader's marks, and creating tables with a Biblical perspective
*The textbook is brief--only 108 pages--to be used in conjunction with other curriculum or as a refresher Click here to see Table of Contents.
*Screen shots for each lesson after the alphanumeric keys to make sure student is on target
*Resources for grading and assessment
*Access to the author for questions or help
The lessons are short and manageable. You should be able to fit in several lessons a week. It goes in a gradual succession, starting at basic posture and finger placement, then onto key placement (including numbers and symbols). It gradually works up to copywork of Bible verses, formatting such as centering and tables, and also report formatting.
It is designed in a way that a high school student can work through the program independently.
It is a solid, thorough program at a reasonable price, with Christian copywork spread throughout.
So the question is...did my 7th grade daughter enjoy using the program? Honestly, no. And if you look back at my review from 2010, you will see that she didn't enjoy the Elementary Level that time either. But...I don't think she would have enjoyed any keyboarding material. She didn't have the desire to learn it, didn't see the use in learning it, and therefore considered it a waste of her time. She is perfectly happy "hen-pecking" on the keys and pointing out that she can "hen-peck" quicker than she can type the "correct" way.
In my opinion, it is a valuable skill and one which will be useful when writing research papers requiring excessive amounts of time at the keyboard and in the job market, where typing speed is often tested before job placement. So, it is just one of those things which you do because it needs to be done...not because you want to do it or enjoy doing it. (Unless of course, you have a child who just happens to love typing for the pure purpose of learning to type...if that is the case, more power to them!)
Christian Keyboarding is offering a 20% discount for my readers through August 29, 2012 with the code of SUMMER2012!

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