Monday, June 14, 2010

My mini-team

We are about to embark on a new adventure. The TOS Crew will begin its 3rd year very soon for the 2010-2011 school year. This year, I am First Mate of the BLUE DOLPHINS mini-crew. I have 4 other ladies on my team.

Please take a few minutes to check out the other 4 ladies' blogs.


Laurie Gauger

Gold Silver Precious Stones



  1. I love your button and name for your mini-crew! I love dolphins, what a great idea for your button.

  2. I love dolphins too. I got to touch one at Sea World a few years ago. Now, my girls and I dream of someday swimming with dolphins! Great button!

  3. Hello again Kimberly! Just saying Hi and letting you know how excited I am to be working with you. Go Blue Dolphins!
